Exhibition Announcement: Bang Prix

Exhibition Announcement

bang. Prix 2019  – art innovarion prix

İlke Yıldan & Varlık Yücel’s artwork named “Anı-Görü” to be exhibited as a part of bang. Prix 2019.

Jun 14th-Jun 28th, 2019, Studio-X İstanbul

bang. Prix 2019 determines the lines of an experimental effort. It deals with the logical form of the language as put forth by Wittgenstein combining it in a new setup. It moves away from normative rules as it follows the manifestation of its own reality. Each artist’s authentic language focuses on the reality as well as the universe they imagine. At this point, artists create an organic language in their own spheres and in their own software, while focusing on their own worlds and transforming the unknown into the known. The language is a metaphor in the exhibition.

  • other possible or impossible species
  • many bonds that we fail to contact physically
  • an avatar in human silhouette
  • transforming the written information and numbers into visuals
  • a single cell forms the basis of life in the universe
  • around the year 2050
  • language and indicators as codes
  • blurring the line between the mechanics and organics
  • what is created by the voices heard in the absence of voices
  • unpredictable movements
  • ambiguous and invisible relation between time and moments

bang. Prix 2019 with its “made by digital beast with ” setup, witnesses the rise of eleven digital monsters out of their shells which live in unknown universes, as they may sometimes become more unknown, and as they question the meaning.