Integral Design Strategies: Istanbul Transitions Workshop

09-12.02.2010 | Taşkışla

Instructors: Christian Veddeler (UN Studio), Holger Haffman(FH Trier), WolfMangelsdorf (Buro Happold) 

Organizers: G. Çağdaş, A. Sökmenoğlu, S. Alaçam, E. Gürbüz, M. Akdağ, T. Kukul, A. Kocamaz

Supported by YEM and Infotron

Contemporary and traditional approaches in computer-aided architectural design; Theoretic and geometrical models used in computer-aided architectural design; Computer-aided architectural design and creativity; artificial Intelligence, expert systems and knowledge-based design systems in architectural design; Structures and properties of knowledge-based architectural design systems; Models that constitute theoretical fundamentals of knowledge-based architectural design systems; Architectural design knowledge, knowledge representation and interpretation in computer-aided architectural design; Expert systems in architectural design: properties, structure and components; Reasoning, search for a solution and control strategies in expert systems; Application areas of expert systems in architectural design; Space planning approaches with knowledge-based architectural design systems; Application examples.