ITU Graduate School Department of Informatics Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program
2020-2021 Student Works
The end-of-year exhibition presents course outcomes from throughout the 2020-2021 fall and spring semesters. We are pleased to share this selection of work by Architectural Design Computing (MBL) students with our community of alumni, colleagues, and the global audience.

ITU Graduate School, Department of Informatics, Architectural Design Computing Program
2020-2021 Academic Year Student Works Exhibition
This exhibition presents the course outcomes from the 2020-2021 fall and spring semesters. We are pleased to share this selection of work by Architectural Design Computing (MBL) students with our community of alumni, colleagues, and the global audience.
MBL 511 Knowledge Based Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Gülen Çağdaş Res Assist. Begüm Hamzaoğlu Res. Assist. Burak Delikanlı
2020-2021 Fall
The 2020-2021 Fall Term projects focus on resilience in knowledge-based architectural design. The concept of resilience refers to the ability of systems to maintain continuity by preserving and transforming relationships within complex dynamics. It can be associated with part-whole relations and algorithmic setups of systems. The project topics include various systems in architectural and urban design contexts such as; structural, material, kinetic, climatic, social, and cultural systems.
Image: Evaluation of Resilience in Reticulated Timber Shell Production, Cem Güneş
MBL 512 Generative Systems in Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Gülen Çağdaş Res Assist. Begüm Hamzaoğlu Res. Assist. Burak Delikanlı
2020-2021 Spring
Generative systems propose and arrange new physical-spatial interactions through holistic and systematic design methodologies. The projects for the 2020-2021 Spring Term investigate the concept of emergence in the context of generative systems in architectural design. The key objective is to re-examine the connections, interactions, forces, networks, structures, and environments as emergent systems. Students were asked to develop generative models based on part/whole relations at different scales such as cell/organism, material/physical environment, design/production, building/urban environment, and shape/pattern.
Image: Shell Design Using Origami and Cellular Automata, Hatice Melike Özbek
MBL 512 Generative Systems in Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Gülen Çağdaş Res Assist. Begüm Hamzaoğlu Res. Assist. Burak Delikanlı
2020-2021 Spring
Generative systems propose and arrange new physical-spatial interactions through holistic and systematic design methodologies. The projects for the 2020-2021 Spring Term investigate the concept of emergence in the context of generative systems in architectural design. The key objective is to re-examine the connections, interactions, forces, networks, structures, and environments as emergent systems. Students were asked to develop generative models based on part/whole relations at different scales such as cell/organism, material/physical environment, design/production, building/urban environment, and shape/pattern.
Image: Shell Design Using Origami and Cellular Automata, Hatice Melike Özbek
MBL514E Digital Architectural Design Studio
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Güleç Özer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil Yazıcı
Res. Assist. İnanç Şencan, Res. Assist. Sevgi Altun
2020-2021 Spring
DADS 2020-2021 Spring Term project is titled Digital vs. Analogue Applications by using Natural Systems and referencing work in the intersection of computational design, digital fabrication, biomimetic design, and sustainability. The works presented include the projects titled Eco-Syntony, (Syn)-Tactic, Mycel-Skin, Cork Habitat,and brickO’live.
Image Credit: Berkay Öztürk, Merve Taşdelen, S. Ayça Metin
MBL514E Digital Architectural Design Studio
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Güleç Özer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil Yazıcı
Res. Assist. İnanç Şencan, Res. Assist. Sevgi Altun
2020-2021 Spring
DADS 2020-2021 Spring Term project is titled Digital vs. Analogue Applications by using Natural Systems and referencing work in the intersection of computational design, digital fabrication, biomimetic design, and sustainability. The works presented include the projects titled Eco-Syntony, (Syn)-Tactic, Mycel-Skin, Cork Habitat,and brickO’live.
Image: brickO’live | Berkay Öztürk, Merve Taşdelen, S. Ayça Metin
MBL 549E Special Topics in Architectural Design Computing: Material-based Computational Design in Architecture
2020-2021 Spring
This course introduces the role of materials in the architectural design process; assessment of the material, form, and performance in natural systems integrally; computational design process run by materials in architecture; properties of materials affecting architectural design; the relationship between structure, performance, optimization, and digital fabrication methods; design between scales; reinterpreting material systems in architecture by digital design and fabrication methods; material synthesis in architectural design by evaluating different types of parameters. As a term project, participants identified a research problem and developed a solution towards that by the use of material-based computational design methods in 2020-2021 Fall Term.
Image: Polycement: A Material Research On Funicular Shell Structures | Barış Doğa Çam, Dilara Temel
MBL 551E Digital Culture in Creative Industries
2020-2021 Fall
This course introduces critical discourses on the use of digital design tools in creative industries (art, cinema, architecture, game and product design, cyber-space design) from behavioral, social, and economic perspectives. The key discussion topics are: distributed democracy, enhancing the public sphere, changing human behavior, mobility, interactivity, and identity; new placemaking and architecture; collaboration, networks, visual-auditory information systems; augmented reality, and emergent technologies.
Image: Cybernetics in Architecture | Adel Gürel Gönülalçak
MBL 552E The City as a Data Mine
Ceyhun Burak Akgül, Ahu Sökmenoğlu Sohtorik
2020-2021 Fall
Image: Urban Bike Rental Station Performance Evaluation: the Case of Istanbul, Ali Yılmaz
MBL 601 Evolutionary Approaches in Architectural Design
Prof. Dr. Gülen Çağdaş, Res. Assist. Özlem Çavuş
2020-2021 Spring
Image: Seeking Deleuzian Thought in Multi-Agent Systems, Aysel Merve Topaloğlu
MBL 609E Theory & Methods of Shape Computation in Design
2020-2021 Fall
The course introduces graduate students to notions of part-whole relations of shapes, part detection problems in shapes, shape rules, labels and weights through seminal texts on the theory and implementation of shape computation. This semester, students also completed small exercises with shapes using the Interpreter. Its developer and shape grammarist Professor Andrew Li (KIT) was a regular guest and discussant. As a term project, students devised and tackled different research problems in shape computation. The exhibition offers a synopsis of each.
Image: Explicit Reasoning in Basic Design through Shape Grammars, Selen Çiçek
MBL 617E Special Topics in Architectural Design Computing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael S. Bittermann
2020-2021 Fall
In this course the concept of computational cognition has been elucidated and its relevance in the context of design theory has been studied. The definition of cognition forming the base of the course is: to possess the knowledge of relations among entities in any context and manifesting it by a best action in the same context. Based on a cognition methodology, in which this definition is realized in computational form, a number of well-known characteristics of architectural design process are analysed.
Image: Excerpt from a review of a paper on a generic cognitive computing methodology, Meryem Yabanigül
Prof. Dr. Gülen Çağdaş | Prof. Dr. Leman Figen Gül | Prof. Dr. Mine Özkar |Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Güleç Özer | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Stefan Bittermann | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil Yazıcı | Asst. Prof. Dr. Ethem Gürer | Dr. Ahu Sökmenoğlu Sohtorik | Dr. Ceyhun Burak Akgül | Res. Assist. Begüm Hamzaoğlu | Res. Assist. Burak Delikanlı | Res. Assist. İnanç Şencan | Res. Assist. Özlem Çavuş | Res. Assist. Sevgi Altun | Adel Gürel | Ali İbiş | Ali Yılmaz | Alperen Temur | Ayça Metin | Ayşe Nesligül Çevik | Aysel Merve Topaloğlu | Barış Doğa Çam | Barış Terzi | Berkay Öztürk | Betül Şen | Cem Güneş | Çiğdem Köseoğlu Kayhan | Demircan Taş | Deniz Tutucu | Dilan Öner | Dilara Demiralp | Dilara Saatçi | Dilara Temel | Doğukan Şamdancı | Ece Buldan | Eda Özgener Semerci | Ekin Kılıç | Elif Akbaş | Elif Alkılınç| Elif Bahar Okuyucu| Elif Gamze Dedeler| Elif Gamze Dedeler | Elif Yalçınkaya | Erenalp Saltık | Esma Selen Aksoy | Esranur Demirtaş | Eyüp Özkan | Fatih Erdil | Feyza Nur Koçer | Gizem Fidan | Hatice Melike Özbek | Hüseyin Kadıoğlu | İpek Akbaylar Hayreter | İrem Pilehvarian | Mert Ulusavaş | Merve Taşdelen | Meryem Yabanigül | Nijat Mahamaliyev | Nisa Çelebi | Nur Sipahioğlu | Nurdan Akman | Oğuz Emre Bal | Ozan Balcı | Pelin Arman | Salih Özdemir | Sarvin Eshaghi | Sebahat Sevde Sağlam | Selen Çiçek | Sheida Shakeri | Tahsin Oğuz Koç | Turan Altıntaş | Ümit Arar | Zeynep Candar | Zeynep Erkoç
Cover Image: Nisa Çelebi, Labyrinth Design Using Cellular Automata, MBL512 Generative Systems in Architectural Design, 2020
Web Design: Begüm Hamzaoğlu

Istanbul Technical University Graduate School, Department of Informatics, Architectural Design Computing Program
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Mimarlık Fakültesi Taşkışla Kampüsü 34437
Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye
+90 212 293 13 00
Copyright © Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program of Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School, Department of Informatics, 2021. No part of this site, [mbi.itu.edu.tr], may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Mimarlık Fakültesi Taşkışla Kampüsü 34437
Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye
+90 212 293 13 00