Berkay Öztürk| MBL 549E Special Topics in Architectural Design Computing: Material-based Computational Design in Architecture | 2020-2021 Fall

Reinterpretation of Hagia Sophia with Topology Optimization Method


Topology optimization is a type of material optimization which aims to reduce the use of material of the structure without changing its strength. The purpose of this optimization is to use less material while constructing new buildings. The purpose of this research is to reinterpret the mass of the Hagia Sophia, especially the domes, and see the results according to topology analysis and optimization methods of the structure. Four different materials or composite materials (limestone, steel, concrete, reinforced concrete) were selected, analyzed and compared with each other. Topos plugin in Grasshopper-Rhinoceros was used for the simulation process. The results were also interpreted by the designer.

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