Battal A. and Yazici S. (2023). The Use of Smart Materials in Architecture: Nitinol-based Foldable Façade Systems, Journal of Technology in Architecture, Design and Planning, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-9 (open access journal).
Uyan, B. and Yazici, S. (2023). A Method for Decoding and Representing Time in Fourdimensional Spaces via Digital Game Environment, Journal of Computational Design, 4:1, 99-120 (Crossref, Asos).
Tong, H., Ülken, G., Türel, A., Şenkal, H., Ergün, F. Y., Güzelci, O. Z., & Alaçam, S. (2023). An attempt to integrate AI-based techniques into first year design representation course.Cumulus Antwerp 2023:C3 Connectivity and Creativity in the times of Conflict. (12-15 Nisan 2023)
Taşdelen, H. S., & Gül, L. F. (2023). The Digital Habitus of Architecture: Praxis of Design-oriented Internet Usage. Journal of Computational Design, 4(1), 71-98.
Bayram, A. K. Ş., Güzelci, O. Z., & Alaçam, S. (2023). Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Pedagojisi Bağlamında Enformel Öğrenme. JCoDe Journal of Computational Design/ Hesaplamalı Tasarım Dergisi, 4(1), 1-16.
Koçak, C., & Alaçam, S. (2023). Algorithm Aided Design Framework for BIM: Daylight In Early Phases of Design. Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, 12(24), 67-79.
Çetin, Ç. T., Ünlü, E., Güzelci, O. Z., & Alaçam, S. (2023). An Analysis of Student and Expert Perspectives on Creativity Assessment in Architectural Design Computing. Estoa. Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, 12(24), 55-66.
Güzelci, O.Z., Özer, D.G & Şencan, İ. (2023). Competition Based Digital Design Studio Experience. ITU AZ, 20(2), 281–297.
Yıldırım, O.C., Sungur, A. & Ozer, D.G. (2023). Exploring Multidimensional Aspects of Walkability: An Innovative Analysis Approach in Besiktas, Istanbul. Frontiers of Architectural Research, Vol. 12, No.6, pp. 1097-1126.
Gökmen, S., Aykin, Y., Basik, A., & Alacam, S. (2023). A Recursive Algorithm for the Generative Study of Seljuk Muqarnas in Kayseri and Sivas. Nexus Network Journal, 25(3), 751-772.
Tong, H., Türel, A., Şenkal, H., Ergun, S., Güzelci, O. Z., & Alaçam, S. (2023). Can AI Function as a New Mode of Sketching: A Teaching Experiment with Freshman. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 18(18).
Hamzaoglu, B., & Özkar, M. (2023). Rule-based Milling of Medieval Stone Patterns. Nexus Network Journal, 25(4), 945-960.
Rezoug, A., & Özkar, M. (2023). A Lived-in Shape Grammar: Parsing the Dwelling Activities in a Modernist Residential Building in Algiers. Design and Culture, 1-28.
Tümerdem, D., & Gül, L. F. (2023). Temporalities of a DIY biocomposite through material exploration. The Design Journal, 26(6), 900-918.
Yıldız, B., Çağdaş, G. & Zincir, İ. (2023). Architectural space classification considering topological and 3D visual spatial relations using machine learning techniques. Building Researh & Information.
Çavuş, Ö., Cenani, Ş. & Çağdaş, G. (2023). An experience-based method for personalized routing. Journal of Computational Design, 4(1), 167-191.
Özkar, Mine & Altun, Sevgi. (2023). Loxodromes in Herringbone Patterns of Two Masonry Domes. Nexus Network Journal. 10.1007/s00004-023-00665-9.
Sipahioğlu, N. & Çağdaş, G. (2023). Scenario-Based Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Networks in Urban Growth Modeling. Gazi University Journal of Science, 36(1), 20-37.
Koçer Özgün, F.N. & Alaçam, S. (2022). An Evaluation of Augmented Reality-Based User Interfaces in the Design Process. ASCAAD 2022 – Architecture in the Age of the Metaverse – Opportunities and Potentials, Architecture and Planning Journal, 28(3),pp: 548-561.
Alani, M. & Alaçam, S. (2022). Beyond Flat Surfaces: Parametric Derivations of Historical Islamic Geometric Designs. ASCAAD 2022 – Architecture in the Age of the Metaverse – Opportunities and Potentials, Architecture and Planning Journal, 28(3),pp: 451-462.
Alaçam, S., Karadağ, İ., Güzelci, O.Z. (2022). Reciprocal style and information transfer between historical Istanbul Pervititch Maps and satellite views using machine learning. ESTOA-REVISTA De La Facultad De Arquıtectura Y Urbanismo De La Universidad De Cuenca, 11(22), 11.
Karadag, I., Güzelci, O. Z., & Alaçam, S. (2022). EDU-AI: a twofold machine learning model to support classroom layout generation. Construction Innovation.
Gökmen, S., Başık, A., Aykın, Y. & Alaçam, S. (2022). Computational Modeling and Analysis of Seljukid Muqarnas in Kayseri. ACM Journal On Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(2), 1-19.
Serdar Yakut, E.S., Cenani, Ş. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). Assessment of urban surface performance of open spaces with multi-criteria decision making method. Megaron, 17(4), 658–672.
Buyruk, Y. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). Interactive Parametric Design and Robotik Fabrication within Mixed Reality Environment. Applied Sciences, 12(24), 1-17.
Öksüz Uncu, E. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). The Pedagojical Alignment of Computational Thinking to Architecture Education for the 21st Century Learners. Journal of Computational Design, 3(2), 159-172.
Buyruk, Y., Cenani, Ş., & Çağdaş, G. (2022). An Agent-based Home Exchange Model to Reduce Commute Times of University Students. International Journal of Digital Innovation in the Built Environment (IJDIBE), 11(2), 1-16.
Kaynarkaya, S. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). Evaluation of Metro Lines with Swarm Intelligence Approach. ITcon: Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 27, 802-826
Çalışır Adem, P. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). Cellular Automata for Infıll Designs in Historic Urban Quarters. Nexus Network Journal, 24(3), 567-586.
Kırdar, G. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). A Decision Support Model to Evaluate Liveability in the Context of Urban Vibrancy. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 20(3), 528-552.
Coşkun, E. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). Temel Tasarım Stüdyosu: Bilgisayar Oyunu Tabanlı Yaklaşımı Anlamak ve Tasarlamak. Journal of Computational Design, 3(2), 59-86.
Durmazoğlu, M. Ç., & Gül, L. F. (2022). Exploring usability tests to evaluate designers’ interaction with mobile augmented reality application for conceptual architectural design. A| Z ITU JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, 19(1), 225-242.
Akdoğan, M., & Balaban, Ö. (2022). Plan Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks: Haeckel’s Drawings to Palladian Plans. Journal of Computational Design, 3(1), 135-154.
Güzelci, O. Z., Bayram, A. K. Ş., Alaçam, S., Güzelci, H., Akkuyu, E. I., & Şencan, İ. (2021). Design tactics for enhancing the adaptability of primary and middle schools to the new needs of postpandemic reuse. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 15(1), 148-166.
Akçay Kavakoğlu, A., Güleç Özer, D., Domingo-Callabuig, D. & Bilen, Ö.(2021). Architectural design communication (ADC) in online education during COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison of Turkish and Spanish universities. Open House International, 47(2), 361-384.
Yıldız, B. & Çağdaş, G. (2021). Bulanık Mantık ile Kullanıcı Hareketlerinde Etmen Tabanlı Modelleme. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design/Hesaplamalı Tasarım Dergisi, İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi, 2(1), 243-264.
Alkılınç, E, Cenani, Ş.,& Çağdaş, G. (2021). Bisiklet Paylaşım İstasyonlarının Belirlenmesi: CBS Tabanlı Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yaklaşımı / Determination of bicycle sharing stations: GIS-based multi-criteria decision making approach. Journal of Balıkesir University Institute of Science and Technology, 23(2), 471-489.
Karakoç, E. & Çağdaş, G. (2021). A Data-Driven Conceptual Framework for Climate Adaptive Building Shell: A Hybrid Control Strategy.Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9(2), 427-438.
Karakoç, E. & Çağdaş, G. (2021). Adaptive Architecture Based on Environmental Performance: An Advanced Intelligent Façade (AIF) Module. Gazi University Journal of Science, 34(3), 630-650.
Moralıoğlu, B., Cenani, Ş.,& Çağdaş, G. (2021). A Decision Support System for Placing Shared E-Scooters: A Case Study for İstanbul. Journal of Computational Design, 2(2), 127-148.
Dinçer, A.E & Çağdaş, G. (2021). A Spatial Grammar Model for Designing Mass Customized High-rise Housing Blocks. Journal of Computational Design, 2(2), 51-72.
Aksoy, E. S., Cenani, Ş., & Çağdaş, G. (2021). Kamusal Alanlar Arasındaki Mikromobiliteyi Destekleyecek Kişiselleştirilmiş Ulaşım Modeli Önerisi. İDEALKENT, 12(33), 1006-1037.
Yazıcı, S. (2021). The Performance-based Interlinked Model (PBIM) in Architectural Design: Exchanging Environmental, Structural and Spatial Parameters in the Early Design Stage. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 38(1), 23-52.
Sevinç, E., & Alaçam, S. (2021). Mimari nesneyi değerlendirmek için mereolojik bir çerçeve. Journal of Computational Design, 2(1), 1-26. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jcode/issue/60846/863148
Çavuş, Ö. (2021). Phenomenological evaluation on wayfinding in complex educational buildings: The case of ITU Faculty of Architecture. Journal of Computational Design, 2(1), 285-312. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jcode/issue/60846/862422
Çalışır Adem, P. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). Computational Design Thinking through Cellular Automata: Reflections from Design Studios. Journal of Design Studio, 2(2), 71-83.
Bayraktar, M.E. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). A Mobile Design Environment for Building Form Generation. Journal of Design Studio, 2(2), 131-142.
Guzelci, O. Z., Alacam, S., Kocabay, S., Akkuyu, E. I., (2020), Adaptability of Primary and Middle Schools to Post-Pandemic Reuse – A Discussion in the Context of Flexibility, Journal of Design Studio, V.2, N.2, pp 5-22.
Güzelci, O. Z., Bayram, A. K. Ş., Alaçam, S., Güzelci, H., Akkuyu, E. I., & Şencan, İ. (2020). Design tactics for enhancing the adaptability of primary and middle schools to the new needs of postpandemic reuse. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research https://doi.org/10.1108/ARCH-10-2020-0237
Kay, İ. Özkar, M. (2020). “Designing for spatial narration in children’s playscapes.” ITU J Faculty Arch., 17(3): 155-167. https://doi.org/10.5505/itujfa.2020.25932
Hysa, T., Özkar, M. (2020). “Open Design Education: Addressing Accountability in the Age of Computing.” Megaron, 15(3): 343-349. https://doi.org/10.14744/megaron.2020.32650
Tolunay Berber, C., Özkar, M. (2020). “A Computable Vitality: Tange’s Architectural System for Skopje” METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 37(2): 85-102. https://doi.org/10.4305/METU.JFA.2020.2.4
Altun S., Güneş M. C. (2020). Classification of Historic Ornaments with CNN. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 1(3), 115-130.
Kaynarkaya, S. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). Sürü Zekası Yaklaşımı ile Metro Hatlarının Değerlendirilmesi. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 1(3), 17- 48.
Yazıcı, S. (2020). Doğal Sistemlerle Bilgilendirilmiş Hesaplamalı Tasarım. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 1(3), 1-17.
Güzelci, O. Z., Alaçam, S., Şen Bayram, A.K. & Lacroix, I. (2020). Measuring the Entropy of Sinan. Nexus Network Journal
Öksüz, E. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). The Convergence Of Computational Thinking And Its Cognitive Aspects In Architectural Education. IJARR: International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 5 (3), 29-39.
Öksüz, E.B. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). An Assesment Method for a Designerly way of Computational Thinking. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul/Türki̇ye, 17(2), 199-208.
Rezoug, A. & Özkar, M. (2020) Visual Rules for Socio-Spatial Analysis: Inferring a Grammar of Use in an Inhabited Climat de France. Dearq, 27, 62-75. https:// doi.org/10.18389/dearq27.2020.05
Yazıcı, S & Tanacan, L. (2020). Material-based computational design (MCD) in sustainable architecture. Journal of Building Engineering, 32.
Ünal, F. C. & Demir, Y. (2020). Local Data: A New Approach to Data in Architecture. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 17(1), 13-23.
Uzun, C., Çolakoğlu, M. B. & İnceoğlu, A. (2020). GAN as a generative architectural plan layout tool: A case study for training DCGAN with Palladian Plans, and evaluation of DCGAN outputs. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul/Türki̇ye.
Gül, L. F. (2020). Dijital Teknolojilerin İşbirlikli Tasarıma Olan Etkisi. Megaron. 2020; 15(1): 84-98.
Yıldız, B. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). Fuzzy logic in agent-based modeling of user movement in urban space: Definition and application to a case study of a square. Building and Environment, 169.
Maden, S. (2019). Generating Rhythmic Graphic Patterns and Paul Klee’s Concept of Active Line. Leonardo, 53, 1-9. The MIT Press.
Llach, D. C. & Ozkar, M. (2019) Cultivating the critical imagination: post-disciplinary pedagogy in a computational design laboratory, Digital Creativity, 30:4, 257-276.
Elmas, S. & Alaçam, S. (2019). Beton Kabuk Strüktür Tasarımı Bağlamında Hesaplama ve Örme. JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design/ Hesaplamalı Tasarım Dergisi, 1(1), 55- 64.
Elbasdi, G., Alaçam, S. (2019). Miselyumun Yetiştirilmiş ve Esnek bir Malzeme Olarak Kullanımı Üzerine bir Araştırma, JCoDe Journal of Computational Design/ Hesaplamalı Tasarım Dergisi, 1(1), 01-10). ISSN 2687-4318.
Güner, Y. R., Çağdaş, G., (2019). Üç Yönlü Periyodik Minimal Yüzeyler ile Biçim Arama Yaklaşımı, JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design/Hesaplamalı Tasarım Dergisi, İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi, 2019/1, 35-54.
Çavuşoğlu, Ö., Çağdaş, G.(2019) Evaluation of Decision Making Processes in the Early Design Stage with Building Information Modeling in the Context of Sustainability, JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design, 1, sf: 35-54.
Kirkan, S., Çağdaş, G. (2019) Dans Hareketleri Verilerinin Sayısal Ortamda Forma Dönüştürülmesi. Journal Of Computational Design, 1(1), 11-34.
Şabanoğlu Gamsız, Ö., Çağdaş, G., (2019) Analysis and Evaluation of the Wind Effect on User Comfort in Mass Housing Open Areas, Megaron, Cilt 14, Özel sayı, 53-69, (doi: 10.5505/megaron.2018.91668).
Kırdar, G., Cenani, Ş., Çağdaş, G., (2019). Smart Bicycle-Sharing System Design for the Historical Peninsula of Istanbul, Journal of Urban Studies: Kent Araştırmaları Dergisi: idealkent, vol. 10, issue: 27, (ISSN: 1307-9905 E-ISSN: 2602-2133) (doi:10.31198/idealkent.507208).
Varinlioğlu, G., Turhan, G. D., & Alaçam, S. (2019) Dijital Fabrikasyon Aracı Olarak Pavyon Tasarımı. Yapı, 446, 36-41.
Güzelci, O. Z., & Alaçam, S. (2019). A Study on Measuring Complexity in Muqarnas Patterns. The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 9(2), 191-201.
Karaoğlan, F. C., & Alaçam, S. (2019). Design of a post-disaster shelter through soft computing. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 17(2), 185-205.
Alaçam, S., Çakıcı Alp, N., Cesur, D. (2018). Algoritmik Sıçramalar: Gölcük Seramik Müzesindeki İç Mekan Sergileme Elemanları Tasarımı ve Üretimi (Algorithmic Leaps: Design and Fabrication of Gölcük Ceramic Museum Interior Exhibition Elements), Yapı, Mimarlık, Tasarım, Kültür ve Sanat Dergisi, 437, 74-81.
Çavuşoğlu Ö. H., Çağdaş, G. (2018) Enhancing Decision Making Processes In Early Design Stages: Opportunities Of Bim To Achieve Energy Efficient Design Solutions A-z Itu Journal Of The Faculty Of Architecture, 15(1), 53-64.
Gürbüz Yildirim, E., Çağdaş, G. (2018) Space Syntax Analysis Of Traditional Arcitectural Pattern Of In The Context Of Socio-culture. Gaziantep University Journal Of Social Sciences, 17(2), 508-532.
Coskun, E., Çağdaş, G. (2018) Considering Computer Games As A Learning Tool In Basic Design Education. International Journal Of Advanced Research, 6(7), 1077-1095.
Çalişir Adem, P., Çağdaş, G. (2018) Interpretation Of Urban Data In The Complex Pattern Of Traditional City: The Case Of Amasya. A-z Itu Journal Of The Faculty Of Architecture, 15(1). 23-38.
Elmas, S., & Alaçam, S. Beton Kabuk Strüktür Tasarımı Bağlamında Hesaplama ve Örme. Journal of Computational Design, 1(1), 55-64.
Kaya, E., Alacam, S., Findik, Y., & Balcisoy, S. (2018). Low-fidelity prototyping with simple collaborative tabletop computer-aided design systems. Computers & Graphics, 70, 307-315.
Ensari, E., & Özkar, M. (2018). Shape computations with NURB curves. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 32(3), 282-294.
Gül, L. F. (2018). Studying gesture-based interaction on a mobile augmented reality application for co-design activity. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 12(2), 109-124.
Yildirim, Ş., & Alaçam, S. (2018). Investigation on Algorithm Aided BIM Standards To Increase Collaboration and Optimisation in Project Phase: A Case Study. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture. 15 (1). 66-75. https://dx.doi.org/10.5505/itujfa.2018.44711
Bittermann, M. S. (2018). Insight into color aesthetics from probabilistic perception modeling. Color Research & Application, 43(4), 527-543.
Atak Doğan, Ö., Çağdaş, G. (2017) Understanding Complex Urban Systems With Fractals: Germir. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(43), 25-44.
Alaçam, S., Güzelci, O. Z., Gürer, E. & Bacınoğlu, S. Z. (2017). Reconnoitring computational potentials of the vault-like forms: Thinking aloud on muqarnas tectonics. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 15(4), 285-303.
Guzelci, O. Z., Alaçam, S., & Bacınoğlu, S. Z. (2017). Three-Step Experimentation on Embedding Curvature to Rigid Planar Materials Through Cut Patterns. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos, 12(3), 93-107.
Özgan, S.Y., Özkar, M. (2017). A Thirteenth-Century Dodecahedron in Central Anatolia: Geometric Patterns and Polyhedral Geometry. Nexus Network Journal 19, 455–471.
Badem Aksoy, Y., Çağdaş, G., Balaban, Ö. (2016) A Pareto Based Genetic Algorithm Model For Sustainable Site Layout Design Of Social Housing Sspm. Megaron / Yıldız Technical University, Faculty Of Architecture E Journal, Istanbul/Türki̇ye, 11(2), 241-253.
Özbaki̇, Ç., Çağdaş, G., Yağmur Ki̇li̇mci̇, E. S. (2016) Comparing Design Productivity Analog And Digital. Megaron / Yıldız Technical University Faculty Of Architecture E Journal, İstanbul/Türki̇ye, 11(3), 398-411.
Gürer, E. (2016). A Computational Approach to Generate New Modes of Spatiality. A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 13(2), 133-142.
Alaçam, S. & Çağdaş, G. (2016). Spatial dimensions of bodily experience in architectural modeling: A case study. A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 13(3), 1-12.
Varinlioğlu, G., Alaçam, S., Başarır, L., Genca, Ö. & Üçok, I. (2016). Bilgisayar destekli teknik çizimde yeni yaklaşımlar: temsil araçları arası dönüsüm. Yapı, 419, 137-141.
Özener O. Ö.,Temiz G. (2016). Mimarlık ve İnşaat Sektöründe YBM Odaklı Dönüşüm. Ege Mimarlık, 26(93-/2016/2), 34-37.
Çağdaş, G., Bacınoğlu, Z., Çavuşoğlu, Ö., (2015). Mimarlıkta Hesaplamalı Yaklaşımlar, Mimarlık Dosya 35, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Dergisi, 33-42.
Çağdaş, G., Bacinoğlu, S. Z., Çavuşoğlu, Ö.H. (2015) Mimarlıkta Hesaplamalı Yaklaşımlar. Mimarlık Dosya, Ankara/Türki̇ye, No. 35, 33-42.
Çağdaş, G. (2015) İtü’de Hesaplamalı Mimari Tasarım Lisansüstü Eğitimi. Mimaran, Konya/Türki̇ye, No. 11, 59-64.
Atak Doğan, Ö., Çağdaş, G. (2015) The Reflection Of Religious Diversity And Socio Cultural Meaning On The Spatial Configuration Of Traditional Kayseri Houses. Itu A-z, İstanbul/Türki̇ye, 12(3), 249-265.
Gürer, E., & Alaçam, S., (2015). Sayısal Düşünmenin Yaratıcılık Bağlamında Sökümü. Mimarlıkta ‘Sayısal Fırsatlar, Bilgisayar Mimarlığın Neresinde?, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi , 58-63.
Gürer, E., Özkar, M., & Çağdaş, G. (2015). A Hermeneutical Sketch Of Design Computation. Metu Journal Of The Faculty Of Architecture, 32(01), 165-183.
Gürsoy, B., & Özkar, M. (2015). Visualizing making: Shapes, materials, and actions. Design Studies, 41, 29-50.
Gürsoy, B., Özkar, M. (2015). Schematizing Basic Design in Ilhan Koman’s “Embryonic” Approach. Nexus Network Journal 17, 981–1005.
Gürer, E., Özkar Kabakçioğlu, M., Çağdaş, G. (2014) The Role of Interpretation in Basic Design. ITU A-Z, İstanbul/TÜRKİYE, 11(1), 158-173.
Alaçam, S., Çağdaş, G. (2014) Bodily and Spatial Dimensions of Architectural Design Process in the Digital Age within Embodiment of Experience, MEGARON / Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, istanbul/TÜRKİYE, 9(4), 312-320.
Di̇nçer, A. E., Çağdaş, G., Tong, H. (2014) A Generative Computer Model For The Preliminary Design Of Mass Housing. Megaron / Yıldız Technical University, Faculty Of Architecture E-journal, İstanbul/Türki̇ye, Vol. 9, No. 2, 71-84.
Di̇nçer, A. E., Tong, H., Çağdaş, G. (2014) A Computational Model for Mass Customized Housing Design by using Cellular Automata. ITU A-Z, İstanbul/TÜRKİYE, 11(2), 351-368.
Dinçer, A. E.,Tong, H., Çağdaş, G. (2014). A computational model for mass customized housing design bu using cellular automata. A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 11(2): 351-368.
Gürer, E., Özkar, M., & Çağdaş, G. (2014). The role ofinterpretation in basic design. A| Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 11(1), 158-173.
Alaçam, S., & Çağdaş, G. (2014). Deneyimin Somutlaşması Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Sayısal Çağda Mimari Tasarım Sürecinde Beden ve Uzam. MEGARON/Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi, 9(4), 312-320.
Güner, Y. R., Çağdaş, G., (2019) Üç Yönlü Periyodik Minimal Yüzeyler ile Biçim Arama Yaklaşımı, JCoDe: Journal of Computational Design/Hesaplamalı Tasarım Dergisi, İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi, 35-54.
Aksoy, M., Bilgen, S., & Baslo, M. (2013). Thoughts and Ideas on Ecological Sustainability and The Reflections on Architecture. International Journal for Housing Science & Its Applications, 37(3).
Torus, B. & Şener, S. M. (2013). FPL_Gen: A Computational Tool for Generating Flexible Plan Layouts, Intercultural Pragmatics, 3, 49-56.
Özer, D. G. & Şener, S. M. (2013). User accessibility optimization using genetic algorithm: aDA. A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture,10(2), 212-230.
Gi̇rgi̇nkaya, C., Güney, Gi̇rgi̇nkaya, S., Çağdaş, G., Yavuz, S.(2012) Tailoring a geomodel for analyzing an urban skyline. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 105, No. 1, 160-173.
Gül, L.F., Wang, X., Çağdaş, G. (2012) Evaluationg The Models Of Communication A Study Of Collaborative Design In Virtual Environments. Itcon, 17, 464-484.
Keles, H. Y., Özkar, M. & Tari, S. (2012). Weighted Shapes for Embedding Perceived Wholes. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(2), 360–375.
Özkar, M. (2011) Visual Schemas: Pragmatics of Design Learning in Foundations Studios. Nexus Network Journal 13, 113–130.
Zaman, H., Özkar, M., Çağdaş, G. (2011) Towards Hands on Computing in Design An Analysis of the Haptic Dimension of Model Making. METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 28(2), 209-226.
Torus, B., (2011). Learning from Vernacular Turkish House: Designing Mass-Customized Houses in Mardin, Intercultural Understanding, 1, 105-112.
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