MBL 512 Generative Systems in Architectural Design

Type: Master, Compulsory | Credit: 3 | ECTS Credit: 7.5

Computational architecture; Algorithmic and parametric architectural design; Generative systems in architectural design; Models that constitute the fundamentals of generative architectural design systems: architectural languages and typologies; Architectural design knowledge and representation and interpretation of generative knowledge; Different generative design approaches and models; Components regarding architectural design product and design process, design elements, relationships between design elements and operators used in computer aided design process; Shape grammar and design grammar approaches; Design grammar types and structures; Defining the rule-sets of architectural languages and generation process of designs; Fractal geometry and its role in architectural design; Approaches regarding generation of fractal designs and patterns within computing environment; Parametric generative system application in architecture; Development of a generative model by using a computer programming language.

Course intended learning outcomes are listed below:

– to learn about the use of contemporary tools and approaches for information handling in the construction industry

– to be able to analyze and evaluate the information requirements of any type of organization in the construction industry

– to learn basic terms, tools and processes in developing an information system to cooperate with IT professionals

– to gain the skills and understanding of analyzing, designing, developing and implementing processes of an information system required by construction organizations.