Ensari, E., Beirão, J. & Özkar, M. (2023). Street Voids: Analyzing Street-Level Walkability Based on 3D Morphology and Remotely Accessible Urban Data. In Turrin, M., Andriotis, C., Rafiee, A. (eds) Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. INTERCONNECTIONS: Co-computing Beyond Boundaries, CAAD Futures 2023, July 5-7 2023, Delft: TU Delft, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1819. Springer, Cham.

Tuker, Ç., Veryeri Alaca, I., & Gül, L.F. (2023). About Scientific Foundations of Design Education Reflections During the Pandemic. Connected To” New Methodologies in Online Visual Communication Design Education, İstanbul: Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, pp.7-84.

Delikanlı, B., Gül, L.F. (2023). A System for Truss Manipulation with Relative Robots: Designing and Prototyping HookBot. In: Turrin, M., Andriotis, C., Rafiee, A. (eds) Computer-Aided Architectural Design. INTERCONNECTIONS: Co-computing Beyond Boundaries. CAAD Futures 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1819. Springer, Cham. 393-409.

Hamzaoğlu, B., Özkar, M., Aydın, S. (2022). “Towards a Digital Practice of Historical Stone Carvings” In: Pak, B., Wurzer, G., Stouffs, R (eds) Co-creating the Future: Inclusion in and through Design. Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022) Volume 2, Ghent, 13-16 September, 2022,KU Leuven, pp. 227–234.

Uzun, F., Özkar M. (2022). “Deciphering Construction Information from Digital Surveys of Underground Historical Structures” In: Abbas, G. M., Acar, S., Bancı, S., Çağlar, N., Ruhi-Sipahioğlu, I., Yılmaz, B. (eds) Materiart: Architectural Design, Research and Technology, Lizbon, Portekiz: Caleidoscopio, pp. 367-378.

Karakoç, E. & Çağdaş, G. (2022). Performance-Based Strategies in Architecture: The Case Studies on Performative Architecture. In Abbas, G.M., Acar, S., Bancı, S., Çağlar, N., Ruhi-Sipahioğlu, I. & Yılmaz, B. (eds.), MATERIART: Architectural Design, Research and Technology. (p.87-104) Lisbon: Caleidoscopio. ISBN: 978-989-658-668-3.

Savaş, S., Cenani Durmazoğlu, Ş. & Çağdaş, G. (2021) Analyzing Temporary Sheltering and Selection of Emergency Assembly Points as a Disaster Management Strategy: A Case Study for the Expected Istanbul Earthquake. In: Topçu İ.Y., Özaydın, Ö., Kabak, Ö., Önsel Ekici, Ş.(eds), Multiple Criteria Decision Making – Beyond the Information Age,Springer. (37-67).

Çeliker, E. Y., Cenani, Ş. & Çağdaş, G. (2021) İstanbul Boğazı’nda Gemi Kazalarının Önlenmesi için Bayes Ağı Tabanlı bir Karar Destek Sistemi Önerisi. In: Murat Dal (ed), Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri, Livre de Lyon, Lyon. (371-401). ISBN: 978-2-38236-093-4

Bayraktar, M. E. & Çağdaş, G. (2021) An Augmented Reality-based Mobile Environment for the Early Architectural Design Stage. In: Eloy S, Kreutzberg A & Symeonidou I (eds) Virtual Aesthetics in Architecture: Designing in Mixed Realities. Part 2: Space and Form, Chapter 7, Routledge, 3. ISBN: 9781032023731

Gül, L.F., Yağmur Kilimci, E.S. & Özkar, M. (2020). Sentient Space 2: Immersed in the Soundscape of a City. In, Abbas, G.M., Acar, S., Bancı, S., Çağlar, N., Ruhi-Sipahioğlu, I. & Yılmaz, B. (eds.), Materiart Student Workshops: The Deck (p.61-76). Lisbon: Caleidoscopio. ISBN: 978-989-658-669-0

Karahan S., Gül L.F. (2021) Mapping Current Trends on Gamification of Cultural Heritage. In: Cordan Ö., Dinçay D.A., Yurdakul Toker Ç., Öksüz E.B., Semizoğlu S. (eds) Game + Design Education. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 13. Springer, Cham.

Moralioğlu, B. & Gül, L.F. (2021). From Science Fiction To Design Fiction: Speculations On The Adaptation Of XR Technologies Into The Future Spaces. In Aksoy, Y. & Duvan, E. (Eds.), Contemporary Issues In Architecture And Urban Planning. pp. 122. DAKAM BOOKS, ISBN:978-625-7034-14-2

Varinlioglu , G., Balaban, O. (2021), Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Heritage Research: Simulating Networks of Caravanserais through Machine Learning. In I.As , P.Basu (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Artificial Intelligence in Architecture. Routledge, Vol. (in press), ISBN: 9780367424589.

An, Y. Cenani Durmazoğlu, Ş. & Alaçam, S. (2021) Kilim Motiflerinin Dijital Ortamda Yeniden Yorumlanması İçin Bir Araç Önerisi (A Tool Recommendation for The Digital Reinterpretation of Kilim Motifs). Murat Dal (Ed.) Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi, Livre de Lyon, Lyon. 2021. 343-370 ISBN:978-2-38236-093-4

Ünlü, E. & Alaçam, S. (2021). Design to Experiment -Experiment to Design: Tool (User, Breaker, Designer). Formal Methods in Architecture. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Methods in Architecture (5FMA), Lisbon 2020. Eloy, S., Leite Viana, D., Morais, F., Vieira Vaz, J. (Eds.) Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer International Publishing. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-57509-0 ISBN: 978-3-030-57508-3, E-ISBN: 978-3-030-57509-0

Akçay Kavakoğlu, A., Hacıömeroğlu, T.N. & Landrum, L.(2017). Introduction: Narrative topographies of city and urban culture in moving images in the age of digitization. In Narrating the City: Mediated Representations of Architecture, Urban Forms and Social Life, Intellect Books, 1-8.

Gül, L.F. (2020). Digital Architecture Studios as Constructivist Activity in Design Teaching: Exploring New Ways of Model Making. In Juliette D, Bekkering, Curulli, I, Sjef van Hoof (eds.), ARCHITECTURAL MODELS AS LEARNING TOOLS (pp. 23-32). Lisbon: Caleidoscopio. ISBN: 978-989-658-666-9

Gül, L.F., Özkar, M. & Yağmur Kilimci, E.S. (2020). Sentient Space: Immersing in Alternate Realities. In Abbas, G.M., Acar, S., Bancı, S., Çağlar, N., Ruhi-Sipahioğlu, I. & Yılmaz, B. (eds.), Materiart Student Workshops: The Figure. (p.80-101) Lisbon: Caleidoscopio. ISBN: 978-989-658-670-6

Savaş, S., Cenani Durmazoğlu, Ş. & Çağdaş, G. (2020). Analyzing Temporary Sheltering and Selection of Emergency Assembly Points as a Disaster Management Strategy: A Case Study for the Expected Istanbul Earthquake. In: Topçu, Y.I. (ed.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making – Beyond the Information Age, Springer.

Özkar M. (2020) The Matter of Shape: A computational Approach to Making in Architectural Heritage (Survey). In: Acu B., Danielli D., Lewicka M., Pati A., Saraswathy RV, Teboh-Ewungkem M. (eds) Advances in Mathematical Sciences. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 21. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42687-3_22

Özgan S. Y., Özkar M. (2020) The Dividing of the Sphere in Domes of Medieval Anatolia, in Faces of Geometry. From Agnesi to Mirzakhani, 165-176. Londra: Springer, London/Berlin
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Çavuşoğlu, Ö., Çağdaş, G., ( 2017). Why Do We Need Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Conceptual Design Phase?, Future Trajectories of Computation in Design, Chapter 7, Eds: G. Çağdaş, M. Özkar, F. Gül, E. Gürer, Selected Papers, CCIS 724, Springer, Singapore, 121-135.

Gül, L. F., Uzun, C., & Halıcı, S. M. (2017). Studying Co-design. In International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures, Springer, Istanbul. Selected Papers, 724, 212-230.
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Badem Aksoy, Y., Çağdaş, G., Balaban, Ö. (2015) A Model for Sustainable Site Layout Design of Social Housing with Pareto Genetic Algorithm: SSPM, The Next City New Technologies And The Future Of The Built Environment. Berlin/Almanya, (pp.113-133), Springer-verlag.

Şentek, A., Demir, Y., Balcisoy, S.S., Alaçam S., (2015) Mimarlıktan Bilişime Bilişimden Mimarlığa Bakışlar. Mimarlık Semineri 2015: 1969 Mimarlık Semineri Bağlamında Geleceğe Bakmak, 451-487.

Gürsoy, B., Jowers, I., & Özkar, M., (2015). Formal Descriptions of Material Manipulations: An Exploration with Cuts and Shadows, in Computer-Aided Architectural Design (pp.439-457), Berlin: Springer, London/Berlin .

Aydın, A., & Özkar, M. (2015). Material Computability of Indeterminate Plaster Behavior, in Computer-Aided Architectural Design (pp.582-589), Berlin: Springer, London/Berlin .

Çağdaş, G. & Atak, Ö. (2014) Arapgir Konut Mimarisinin Mekansal Dizim ve Sosyokültürel Bağlamda Analizi. In: Eyüpgiller KK (ed), Arapgir: Tarih, Mimari ve Yaşa. (75-91), Promat Basım-Yayın.

Alaçam, S., İpek, Y., Balaban, Ö., & Kayalar, C. (2014). Organising crowd-sourced media content via a tangible desktop application. In International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (pp. 1-10). Springer, Cham.

Özkar, M., (2014). Repeating Circles, Changing Stars: learning from the Medieval art of computation, in Digital Da Vinci (pp.49-64), Londra: Springer, London/Berlin .

Çakici Alp, N., Çağdaş, G. (2013). Occupants Emergency Behaviour in Turkey, Pedestrian And Evacuation Dynamics. (pp.1123-1133), Springer.

Hirschberg, U., Sökmenoğlu, A., Gürbüz, E., Alaçam, S., Çağdaş, G., (2013). Architectural Design Education Through a Workshop: Experimenting with Digital Media, Flexibility in Architectural Education, Chapter Twenty, Eds: B. Bolak Hisarlıgil, S. Lokçe, O. Turan, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 298-312.

Gönenç Sorguç, A., Özkar, M., Uçar, B., & Arslan Selçuk, S., (2013). Planning Curriculum Elements for an Integration of Digital Design Knowledge to Design Thinking. MIMED Forum IV (pp.280-288), New Castle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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Çağdaş, G. (2009). Agent-based modeling of user movements: A case study in a museum building. In Managing IT in Construction/Managing Construction for Tomorrow, Eds: A. Dikbaş, E. Ergen, H. Giritli, CRC NewYork, pp: 587-592.

Çağdaş, G. (2009) Agent-based modeling of user movements: A case study in a museum building. In: Dikbas A,Ergen E,Giritli H (eds), Managing IT in Construction/Managing Construction for Tomorrow. CRC, New York , London, ( 587-592)
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