Curve Make-ing Student Workshop
The workshop will focus on the generative process of making and its relation to design in historical pattern production techniques. Participants will be introduced to the carving methods using a three-axis CNC milling machine and tessellation methods on curved surfaces using Grasshopper and laser-cutting machine. The design task is to generate various geometric patterns on differently curved surfaces by altering the algorithms using the historical making knowledge and exploring through different carving toolpath and tessellation ideas.
Our main motivation is to discover and experience new ways of interacting with digital fabrication tools to trigger different movements and layers on surfaces to transform and generate new designs. The workshop aims at relating shape transformations to making rules in order to analyze and discuss how do we visually compute making and how rules may lead to ambiguity and emergence.
Experiments will be realized through small-scale 1:1 fabrications on wood/cardboard panels with a do-it-yourself approach.