FOAR Best Paper Award 2024 – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil Yazıcı

Assoc. Prof. Sevil Yazici (PhD) received the FoAR Best Paper Award 2024, with her paper entitled “Interscalable Material Microstructure Organization in Performance-based Computational Design” by Frontiers of Architectural Research Journal on ScienceDirect (Indexes: Scopus Q1, WOS AHCI).

The paper is about the design and fabrication of new synthetic materials by responding to the performative constraints in the architectural design process. The proposed methodology is pending for a Patent (no: 2024/016344) initiated by İTÜNOVA Teknoloji A.S.

This research was developed as a part of the Scientific Research Projects at Istanbul Technical University and Architectural Design Computing – ITU from 2021 to 2023 (İTÜ BAP Project No. MAB-2021-42813).

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