Seminar – Abel Groenewolt

Designing Timber Plate Shells

Lunch Hour Seminar by Abel Groenewolt

Abel Groenewolt will be giving a lunch hour seminar followed by a discussion as a part of the MBL 557E Material-based Computational Design in Architecture Course on 26.10.2023, Thursday, 12:30-13:30 (GMT+3).


Abel Groenewolt is an architect, computational designer and educator with a particular interest in digitally supported design methods and numerically controlled fabrication processes. Born in the Netherlands in 1980, Abel received his M.Sc. degree in architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology in 2006. After having worked in architecture practice in Helsinki for several years, he obtained a post-graduate degree in Architecture and Information at ETH Zürich in 2014. At the Institute for Computational Design at the University of Stuttgart, Abel focused on digital design and fabrication in timber construction. His doctoral research focused on how such design and fabrication methods can be employed in the construction of timber plate shells. Currently, he works as architect and computational designer at Ney & Partners in Brussels and teaches at KU Leuven.