(Tarihi Yapıların Belgelenmesinde Fotogrametri Verisi Kullanılarak Yapı Bilesenlerinin Modellenmesine Yönelik Hesaplamalı Yöntemler Gelistirilmesi)
Project number: 119K896, 2020-2023.
When documenting architectural heritage, it is possible to obtain rapid and detailed measurements with contemporary imaging techniques and to create numerical models based on that data. However, these models, even with their high resolution, do not yet contain information on constructional components that are individually defined and related to each other in the original building. We aim to further develop computational methods by which we can distinguish parts such as bricks and other building components in point cloud data from a selection of masonry brick walls and domes in Anatolian architectural heritage, and to automatically transfer these components to historical building information models. In this way, we wish to minimize any loss of knowledge on what kind of construction processes match the form. as well as to document the material and constructional features important for the restoration and conservation of heritage.
Mine Özkar
Prof. Dr.
Principal Investigator
Gözde Ünal
Prof. Dr.
Mert Nezih Rifaioğlu
Assoc. Prof. (ISTE)

Sena Kayasü

Fatih Uzun

Ece Savaş

Enes Karakaya

Özlem Çavuş

Kayasü, S. Özkar, M. (2023). “Challenges in Treating Cultural Heritage as Living Documents,” Heritages: Past and Present – Built and Social. A Conference on Culture, History, Art, and Design, 28-30 June 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.

Altun, S., Özkar, M. (2023). “Formal Studies on the Parts and Wholes of Historical Bricklay Designs” In: Mora, P.L., Viana, D.L., Morais, F., Vieira Vaz, J. (eds) Formal Methods in Architecture. FMA 2022. Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Springer, Singapore, 343-355.

Güneş, M.C., Mertan, A., Sahin, Y.H., Unal, G., Özkar, M. (2022). “Synthesizing Point Cloud Data Set for Historical Dome Systems”. In: Gerber, D., Pantazis, E.,Bogosian, B., Nahmad, A.,Miltiadis, C. (eds) Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Design Imperatives: The Future is Now. CAAD Futures 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol.1465, 538-554. Springer, Singapore.

Altun, S., Özkar, M. (2021). “Formal studies on the relationship between the brick bond and the pattern in Anatolian Seljuk Architecture” G. Çağdaş, M. Özkar, L. F. Gül, S. Alaçam, E. Gürer, S. Yazıcı, B. Delikanlı, Ö. Çavuş, S. Altun, & G. Kırdar (eds.), Computational Design in Architecture, 15th National Symposium, pp. 205–213

Öztürk, B., Özkar, M. (2022). “Creating and Using Mask Images for Segmentation in Point Cloud Data.” The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B2-2022, 1133–1138.

Özkar, Mine & Altun, Sevgi. (2023). Loxodromes in Herringbone Patterns of Two Masonry Domes. Nexus Network Journal. 10.1007/s00004-023-00665-9.
![Altun, S., Güneş, M. C., Sahin, Y. H., Mertan, A., Ünal, G., & Özkar, M. (2022): Symmetry and variance; Generative parametric modeling of historical brick wall patterns. In Viana, V., Nagy, D., Xavier, J., Neiva, A., Ginoulhiac, M., Mateus, L. & Varela, P. (Eds.). 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress [Special Issue]. Symmetry: Art and Science. (pp. 96-103). Porto: International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry](https://mbl.itu.edu.tr/core/uploads/Ekran-goruntusu-2023-05-02-111132.png)
Altun, S., Güneş, M. C., Sahin, Y. H., Mertan, A., Ünal, G., & Özkar, M. (2022): Symmetry and variance; Generative parametric modeling of historical brick wall patterns. In Viana, V., Nagy, D., Xavier, J., Neiva, A., Ginoulhiac, M., Mateus, L. & Varela, P. (Eds.). 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress [Special Issue]. Symmetry: Art and Science. (pp. 96-103). Porto: International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry
Brick rules define the spatial relations between two adjacent bricks while they come together in the order of laying. For each brick relation, there are two possible reciprocal shape rules except the first three which are spatially symmetric. The rules are named based on the relation they define and the order of the bricks added to the right-hand side.
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Please contact the project team for the parametric model and the generation models.
MBL 602 Decision Support Systems in Architectural Design
MBL 604E Contemporary Architectural Design Theories
MBL 605 Special Topics in E-Motive Architecture
MBL 606E Computing Theories and Models in Architectural Design
MBL 607E Building Information Models
MBL 608E Visual-Spatial Cognition
MBL 609E Theory and Methods of Shape Computation in Design
MBL 611 Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in Computational Design
MBL 613E Research Paradigms in Architectural Computing
MBL 615E Soft Computing Methods in Architectural Design
MBL 616E Computer Vision Applications in Architectural Design
MBL 649E Special Topics in Architectural Design Computing
MBL 696 Scientific Research Ethic and Seminar
MBL 697 Specialization Field Course
For a Doctoral degree, accepted and registered students, with counsel from their advisor, have to successfully complete 7 courses offered by the program, the seminar MBL696, and thesis. The thesis procedure is defined by ITU Graduate School. Doctoral candidates have to comply with the publication requirements as specified in ITU Graduate Education Regulations and Principles (İTÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim Yönetmeliği ve Esasları).